
Electronic PCB Card Duplicating Overloading

Overload from electronic pcb card duplicating is originally from overlength wires or tracks, high frequent signal variation, although most of the components’ receiving terminals have input diode protection, but sometimes, these overload electricity can excessively overpass the range of the component’s withstanding voltage and damage the components.
The performance of crosstalk after electronic pcb card duplicating is when there is signal go through the signal line, adhesive signal tracks on the electronic pcb card can sense it which can be viewed as crosstalk. the closer distance from the signal tracks to the ground line, and bigger space between the other signal tracks, the smaller crosstalk signals it can generated after electronic pcb card duplicating. asynchronous signal and clock signal is easier to have crosstalk, as a result of that, the best way to solve the crosstalk issue in the process of electronic pcb card duplicating is remove the signal crosstalk source or shield the signals which has been severely interfered.

Electronic Magnetic Radiation Interference from electronic pcb card duplicating;
EMI issue from electronic pcb card duplicating has become a highly disputed but still unable to solve issue for quite a long time, the issues generated from electronic magnetic interference will include excessive electronic magnetic radiation and sensitivity of electronic magnetic radiation. 
the EMI performance includes when power on digital system and operate in normal condition, and start to radiate the electronic magnetic wave around the environment after electronic pcb card duplicating, which can affect the normal operation of other devices around it. the root cause of its generation is because the working frequency of the circuit system from electronic pcb card duplicating as well as the inresponsibility of the PCB layout. 
Nowadays, there are softwares which can be used for the electronic magnetic interference simulation test, but normally the electronic magnetic interference simulators are all too expensive, simulation parameters and other boundary conditions installation are very difficult from electronic pcb card duplicating, which will also directly affect the simulation result’s preciseness and practice. 
And the most commonly measures is apply all kinds of the design rules in the electronic pcb card duplicating process to electronic magnetic interference controlling, to ensure each design process can be drived and controlled properly.

Clone Convertor PCB Board

When clone pcb board for the two channels signals convertor, from dual polarity input voltage to the dual polarity output current, and there is a very specific requirement, each channel must have a piece of double color LEDs which can flash according to the input signals after clone pcb board, and frequently take red light or green light to indicate the signals as positive or negative separately.
and in this case there will be two problems, first is LED driver will need the rising pressure, as a result of that there will be no dead block where is close to the zero; secondly the engineer can foretell when the signal is negative, LED will probably present the negative result, and vise visa. and this scenario can be view as the backlash in view of the mechanical force. and normally it is not necessary to take the variable voltage to drive the LED, but apply PWM driver as Linear’s LTC6992, which still need to generate a deviation and still unable to tackle the backlash issue.

besides, engineer will need two pieces of PWM driver for each channel which can probably increase the extra circuit and makes the LED turns from red to green after clone pcb board; and a reasonable method will find a proper low level microcontroller.
the supreme court has already proclaimed the business secret or intellectual property obtained from self-research or through clone pcb board don’t belong to the unfair competition action. Circuit Engineering Co.,Ltd has commited to clone technology research and service for over two decades. and have ever clone or copy the electronic pcb board from different industries, as well as the pcb board manufacture and prototype building. and we have great advantage over the pcb board clone cycle control, research and development as well as the cost analysis.
Nowadays, electronic products are being updated in fast speed; and pcb board clone from our company in the base of completely master the traditional PCB structure or its basic circuit, furthermore, is base upon the self research and development, include the software upgrade and product second phase development; and we will dedicate to clone pcb board with 100% exact the same functions as original sample given by customers.at the same time, we also decrease the PCB CLONE cycle refers to the pcb board with blind or buried vias, effectively save customer time and energy, low down its cost. and which is also one of the reasons for us to be favor by most of our clients.

Printed Wiring Board Replication Effect

In general, printed wiring board replication effects can be divided into two broad categories—those that most noticeably affect the static or dc operation of the circuit, and those that most noticeably affect dynamic or ac circuit operation, especially at high frequencies.
Another very broad area of printed wiring board replication is the topic of grounding. Grounding is a problem area in itself for all analog and mixed signal designs, and it can be said that simply implementing a replication printed wiring board based circuit doesn’t change the fact that proper techniques are required. 

Fortunately, certain principles of quality grounding, namely the use of ground planes, are intrinsic to the printed wiring board environment. This factor is one of the more significant advantages to replicate printed wiring board based analog designs, and appreciable discussion of this section is focused on this issue.
Some other aspects of grounding that must be managed include the control of spurious ground and signal return voltages that can degrade performance. These voltages can be due to external signal coupling, common currents, or simply excessive IR drops in ground conductors when printed wiring board replication. 
Proper conductor routing and sizing, as well as differential signal handling and ground isolation techniques enables control of such parasitic voltages.
One final area of grounding to be discussed is grounding appropriate for a mixed-signal, analog/digital environment. Indeed, the single issue of quality grounding can influence the entire layout philosophy of a high performance mixed signal PCB REVERSE ENGINEERING—as it well should.

PCB Board Reverse Engineering Subsystem

In the process of pcb board reverse engineering, Any subsystem or circuit layout operating at high frequency and/or high precision with both analog and digital signals should like to have those signals physically separated as much as possible to prevent crosstalk. This is typically difficult to accomplish in practice.
Crosstalk can be minimized by paying attention to the system layout and preventing different signals from interfering with each other after reverse engineering pcb board. High level analog signals should be separated from low level analog signals, and both should be kept away from digital signals. TTL and CMOS digital signals have high edge rates, implying frequency components starting with the system clock and going up form there. 

And most logic families are saturation logic, which has uneven current flow (high transient currents) which can modulate the ground from pcb board reverse engineering. We have seen elsewhere that in waveform sampling and reconstruction systems the sampling clock (which is a digital signal) is as vulnerable to noise as any analog signal. 
Noise on the sampling clock manifests itself as phase jitter, which as we have seen in a previous section, translates directly to reduced SNR of the sampled signal. If clock driver packages are used in clock distribution, only one frequency clock should be passed through a single package. Sharing drivers between clocks of different frequencies in the same package will produce excess jitter and crosstalk and degrade performance after pcb board reverse engineering.
The ground plane can act as a shield where sensitive signals cross. Figure 12.1 shows a good layout for a data acquisition board where all sensitive areas are isolated from each other and signal paths are kept as short as possible. While real life is rarely as simple as this, the principle remains a valid one from PCB REVERSE ENGINEERING.

PCB Board Clone Power Connection

In the process of pcb board clone, there are a number of important points to be considered when making signal and power connections. First of all a connector is one of the few places in the system where all signal conductors must run in parallel from pcb board clone—it is therefore imperative to separate them with ground pins (creating a Faraday shield) to reduce coupling between them.

Multiple ground pins are important for another reason: they keep down the ground impedance at the junction between the board and the backplane. The contact resistance of a single pin of a PCB connector is quite low (typically on the order of 10 mÙ) when the board is new after clone pcb board—as the board gets older the contact resistance is likely to rise, and the board’s performance may be compromised. It is therefore well worthwhile to allocate extra PCB connector pins so that there are many ground connections (perhaps 30% to 40% of all the pins on the PCB connector should be ground pins) from pcb board clone. For similar reasons there should be several pins for each power connection.
Manufacturers of high performance mixed-signal ICs, like Analog Devices, often offer evaluation boards to assist customers in their initial evaluations and layout from pcb board clone. ADC evaluation boards generally contain an on-board low jitter sampling clock oscillator, output registers, and appropriate power and signal connectors. They also may have additional support circuitry such as the ADC input buffer amplifier and external reference when CLONE PCB.