Overload from electronic pcb card duplicating is originally from overlength wires or tracks, high frequent signal variation, although most of the components’ receiving terminals have input diode protection, but sometimes, these overload electricity can excessively overpass the range of the component’s withstanding voltage and damage the components.
The performance of crosstalk after electronic pcb card duplicating is when there is signal go through the signal line, adhesive signal tracks on the electronic pcb card can sense it which can be viewed as crosstalk. the closer distance from the signal tracks to the ground line, and bigger space between the other signal tracks, the smaller crosstalk signals it can generated after electronic pcb card duplicating. asynchronous signal and clock signal is easier to have crosstalk, as a result of that, the best way to solve the crosstalk issue in the process of electronic pcb card duplicating is remove the signal crosstalk source or shield the signals which has been severely interfered.
Electronic Magnetic Radiation Interference from electronic pcb card duplicating;
EMI issue from electronic pcb card duplicating has become a highly disputed but still unable to solve issue for quite a long time, the issues generated from electronic magnetic interference will include excessive electronic magnetic radiation and sensitivity of electronic magnetic radiation.
the EMI performance includes when power on digital system and operate in normal condition, and start to radiate the electronic magnetic wave around the environment after electronic pcb card duplicating, which can affect the normal operation of other devices around it. the root cause of its generation is because the working frequency of the circuit system from electronic pcb card duplicating as well as the inresponsibility of the PCB layout.
Nowadays, there are softwares which can be used for the electronic magnetic interference simulation test, but normally the electronic magnetic interference simulators are all too expensive, simulation parameters and other boundary conditions installation are very difficult from electronic pcb card duplicating, which will also directly affect the simulation result’s preciseness and practice.
And the most commonly measures is apply all kinds of the design rules in the electronic pcb card duplicating process to electronic magnetic interference controlling, to ensure each design process can be drived and controlled properly.